The Chuka Water Supply Project will involve the construction of Intake Works across Ruguti River, Raw Water Gravity main (7km, DN450 steel), New Kirege Treatment Works (15,000m3/day capacity), 5No transmission mains (11.6km, Diameter ranging from 110mm-400mm, Steel/HDPE), 2No. Storage tanks (Total capacity1,000m3) and rehabilitation/modification of the existing Chuka Water Supply System (Tungu River Intake, Kiang’ondu Raw Water Mains snd Kiang’ondu Treatment Works). Construction works commenced in November 2020 and completion is expected in April 2021. A projected population of 144,089 residents in Chuka town will benefit from this project. The contractor is in the process of mobilizing requisite staff and plant/equipment to site.
- Ongoing construction of sludge drying beds
- Ongoing construction of sludge lagoon
- Ongoing construction of staff houses
- Ongoing construction of stilling well
- Ongoing construction of 100m³ treated water tank
- Ongoing construction of 150m³ elevated backwash water tank
- Ongoing construction of chemical building
- Ongoing construction of chlorine mixing room
- Ongoing construction of administration block
- Ongoing construction of sedimentation tank